Search Results for: seminar

The 10 positive emotions that change your life – 提升生命力的十種正能量 (22.03.2012)

We are pleased that 71 parents and 10 students gathered at the School on March 22, 2012 to attend the seminar on “The 10 positive emotions that change your life – 提升生命力的十種正能量”presented by our guest speaker, Mr. Eddie Lo. Mr. Lo is a Registered Clinical Psychologist and a Visiting Lecturer to the Hong Kong Polytechnic …

The 10 positive emotions that change your life – 提升生命力的十種正能量 (22.03.2012) Read More »

The 5th Annual General Meeting of St. Paul’s Convent School Parent-Teacher Association (SPCS PTA) (08.10.2011)

The 5th Annual General Meeting (AGM) of St. Paul’s Convent School Parent Teacher Association (SPCS PTA) was once again held in a sunny and pleasant weather on October 8, 2011 at the covered playground of the School. 97 participants including teachers and members of SPCS PTA attended the events.We are also grateful that in addition …

The 5th Annual General Meeting of St. Paul’s Convent School Parent-Teacher Association (SPCS PTA) (08.10.2011) Read More »

Harvest Day (19.03.2011)

“Harvest Day”, the last episode of the joint School-PTA green activities this year was contentedly held on 19 March, 2011. Despite the hazy and a bit chilly weather, 61 participants including parents and students attended the events. We received an encouraging average overall score of 3.46 out of 4.0 from participants who returned their evaluation …

Harvest Day (19.03.2011) Read More »

Briefing Session for Parent Volunteers (6.11.2010)

We are pleased that over 160 parents have enrolled to be parent volunteers for 2010-2011 and close to 80 parents attended the Briefing Session for Parent Volunteers held on Saturday, November 6, 2010 at 2:30pm in Room G7 of the School. Parent Volunteers were briefed on the aims and functions of the Parent Volunteers Programme (PVP) as well as their roles and duties. We …

Briefing Session for Parent Volunteers (6.11.2010) Read More »

Briefing Session for Parent Volunteers (1.11.2008)        

A Briefing Session for the Parent Volunteers was held on 1st November 2008 (Saturday) 4:00 – 6:00p.m. at Room G7 of the School. This event marked the beginning of the Parent Volunteers Program (PVP) for 2008 – 2009. Over 60 parents attended the Briefing Session, during which they were briefed on the aims and functions …

Briefing Session for Parent Volunteers (1.11.2008)         Read More »