Briefing Session for Parent Volunteers (12.11.2016)
Parents and Teachers Association (PTA) recruits parent volunteers every year to support the School and/or PTA activities held for the academic year. …
The 10th Annual General Meeting of St. Paul’s Convent School Parent-Teacher Association (SPCS PTA) (22.10.2016)
The 10th Annual General Meeting (AGM) of St. Paul’s Convent School Parent Teacher Association (SPCS PTA) was held on October 22, 2016 …
SPCS PTA Seminar on “STEAM Education” (14.05.2016)
Seminar on “STEAM Education” The above seminar has received positive response from parents and students. We are pleased that around 50 parents …
Every year, SPCS and Parent-Teacher Association will co-organize a meaningful community service programme for our parents and students to promulgate the message …
“Green Campaign and Help the Needy” Project (22.01.2016 and 23.01.2016)
The “Green Campaign” co-organized by the School and PTA for the 9th year was successfully held on Friday & Saturday, 22-23 Jan, …
67th Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival (16.11.2015 – 16.12.2015)
We are proud to announce that our girls have completed all the competitions in the 67th Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival with an …
Briefing Session for Parent Volunteers (7.11.2015)
Parents and Teachers Association (PTA) recruits parent volunteers every year to support the School and/or PTA activities held for the academic year. …
Seminar on Eye Care (30.05.2015)
We are very honoured to have registered optometrist Mr. Patrick Chiu (招卓衡眼科視光師) to give us a seminar on eye care on 30 …
Naming Ceremony of the First Experimental Aircraft RV-8 in Hong Kong” (26.05.2015 and 27.05.2015)
“Inspiration” is the name of the experimental aircraft built by SPCS students under the supervision of Caption Hank. Its naming ceremony was …
Educational Trip to the University of Macau & United International College (07.05.2015 and 08.05.2015)
The 2-day trip, arranged by School and held on 7 & 8 May 2015, included visits to the University of Macau and …