The 14th “Green Campaign” co-organized by the School and PTA was successfully held on Saturday, 18th February, 2023 at the School. Thanks to the generosity and kindness of the parents, a total of 43 packs of recycled items including winter clothes, domestic electrical appliances, toys, stationery, story books, bags and more, all being in excellent conditions, were graciously collected. Besides, the support from committee members of the Conservancy Club worked hand in hand with PTA to make the green project to be more fruitful than ever.
We are pleased that the recycled items collected this year were donated to the Caritas Rehabilitation Service, where the items will be given to the needy such as the elderly and the under-privileged children and families in Hong Kong through resell of the recycled items in the Caritas Wai Bo Fong Second Hand Recycling Store operation.
This project aims to serve the dual purpose of instilling environmental consciousness in our daughters to learn to share and giving back to the underprivileged in the community.
We earnestly express our heartfelt thanks to the parents, School, school ambassadors of the Conservancy Club, parent volunteers for their tremendous support in making this meaningful event a success.