The “Green Campaign” co-organized by the School and PTA for the 10th year was successfully held on Friday & Saturday, 20-21 Jan, 2017 at the School. Thanks to the generosity and kindness of 29 parents, a total of 46 packs of recycled items including winter clothes, domestic electrical appliances, computers, toys, stationery, story books, bags, etc. that are in excellent conditions were graciously collected. Besides, the support from the committee members of the Conservancy Club work hand in hand with PTA to bring the green project to be more fruitful than ever.
We are pleased that the recycled items collected this year were donated to the Caritas Rehabilitation Service for the needy which helps the under-privileged children and families in Hong Kong through resale of the recycled items in the Caritas Wai Bo Fong Second Hand Recycling Store operation.
We believe that this project is able to serve the dual-purpose of instilling environmental consciousness in the mind of our daughters and offering them an opportunity to learn about giving back and sharing what they have with those needy and helping the underprivileged children and families at the same time.
The PTA earnestly expresses the heartfelt thanks to the parents, School, school ambassadors of the Conservancy Club and parent volunteers for the tremendous support in making this meaningful event another success.
List of parent volunteers:
Exco: Dora CHENG, Freddie TANG, Iceman LEUNG, Jenny WU, Johnny YEUNG, Lorna WONG, Oriana LEUNG, Sarah CHAN
Co-op: Amy KWAN, Joanna CHIU
Team Leaders: Angela FONG, Connie LEUNG, Jenny YEUNG, Josephine CHAN, Loretta CHAN, May HAU, Pinky KO, Tammy HO, Wendy NGAI
Parent Volunteers: Carolina, Cynthia LAU, Elsie TAM, Jasmine KWOK, Lap Yin WONG, Louisa NG, Kar Wing CHUI, Rosanna CHAN, Willa WONG,
School Ambassadors of Conservancy Club: Agnes TSE, Alaina HU, Anna TSOI, Camille LAU, Charis HO, Charlyn WONG, Jennifer KWONG, Koby CHOY, Michelle CHUNG, Natalie YEUNG, Nicole HONG, Rachel DAI, Rene LAM, Stephanie WONG, Thira PANG