The “Green Campaign” co-organized by the School and PTA for the 7th year was successfully held on Friday & Saturday, 24- 25 Jan, 2014 at the School. Thanks to the generosity and kindness of 108 parents, a total of 148 packs of recycled items including winter clothes, domestic electrical appliances, TV, cameras, mobile phones, laptop computers, story books, bags, sport equipment etc. that are in excellent conditions were graciously collected.
We are pleased that the recycled items collected this year were donated to the Caritas Rehabilitation Service for the needy which helps the under-privileged children and families in Hong Kong through resale of the recycled items in the Caritas Wai Bo Fong Second Hand Recycling Store operation.
We believe that this project is able to serve the dual-purpose of instilling environmental consciousness in the mind of our daughters and offering them an opportunity to learn about giving back and sharing what they have with those needy and helping the underprivileged children and families at the same time.
The PTA earnestly expresses the heartfelt thanks to the parents, School and parent volunteers for the tremendous support in making this meaningful event another success.
List of parent volunteers:
Team Leaders : Iris Chow, Daisy Chui, Crystal Choi
Parent Volunteers : Jenny Yeung, Karen Ko, Gemma Chiong, Fanny Lai, Iris Chong, Kelly Chan, Winnie Cheung, Vicky Tang, Sheree Ng, Josephine Chan, Mariana Chu, Frances Yau, Winnie Chu, Leung Wai Ying, Christine Or, Simon Kwok, Esther Pun, Lucinda Ling