We are proud to congratulate all of you who participated in the 2012 Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival [English and Chinese Speeches (Cantonese and Putonghua)]. The Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival is one of the world’s most reputable speech competition and is recognized for its high standard. As in the past, our students competed as Soloist, in Duologue or as a Group. We have received 63 parent volunteers escort signing up forms with 60 parent volunteers involved in this event. Our girls had excellent performance on stage and earned many prestigious awards and outstanding achievements that we are all proud of. We would like to take this opportunity to thank our experienced team leaders Rosana Wu, Ellen Chau, Roan Sze, Iris Chow, Yvonne Yu, Josephine Kou and Betty Chu, cooperative drivers, event organizer Betty Chu, generous support from Mrs S Ng, Mrs J Wong, Rebecca Chan, Jacqueline Wong and all parent volunteers who had given their precious time to accompany and support all our lovely girls on the days of the event.