Briefing Session for Parent Volunteers (10.11.2012)

Each year PTA will recruit parent volunteers to support the School and/or PTA activities held for the academic year. This year we are pleased that close to 72 parents attended the Briefing Session for Parent Volunteers held on Saturday, November 10, 2012 at 2:00pm in Room G7 of the School.
Rebecca Chan, Chairlady of the PTA welcomed the parent volunteers and thanked their commitment and assistance to the activities of the PTA. She introduced the members of the new executive committee (“ExCo”) for the year 2012/2013 and also summarized the activities conducted by the PTA last year. 
Betty Chu, ExCo member in charge for parent helpers, briefed the parent volunteers on the aims and functions of the Parent Volunteers Programme (PVP) as well as the roles and duties of Parent Volunteers particularly in the participation in the Speech Festival. The team leaders of the PVP, Iris Chow and Roan Sze were invited to share their valuable experience with the Parent Volunteers.
The support of Parent Volunteers is vital to the success of the School and PTA activities including the upcoming Speech Festival, seminars, and community service programme. With your support and help, we look forward to another year of success for the PVP.