The “Joint Green Campaign and Help the Needy Project” co-organized by the School and PTA for the 5th year was successfully held again on Friday & Saturday, 13-14 Jan, 2012 at the School. Thanks to the generosity and kindness of more than 138 parents, a total of 105 packs of recycled items including winter clothes, electrical appliances, story books, toys, bags, watches, etc. that are in excellent conditions were graciously collected.
We are pleased that recycled items collected this year are able to serve two different charity organizations for the under-privileged.
Books for juniors have been donated to Yang Memorial Methodist Social Service – Tin Shui Wai Family Education and Support Centre to their served children.
Winter clothes, electrical appliances and other items have been donated to the Caritas Rehabilitation Service in Hong Kong for the needy and to help the under-privileged children and families in Hong Kong through resale of recycled items in the Caritas Wai Bo Fong Second Hand Recycling Store operation.
We believe that this project is able to serve the dual-purpose of instilling environmental consciousness in our daughters and helping the underprivileged children and families at the same time.
The PTA earnestly extends the heartfelt thanks to the parents, School, and parent volunteers for the tremendous support in making this meaningful event another success.