To express our heartfelt appreciation to the parent volunteers (Click below for the list of parent volunteers) for their generous support to the PTA in the 2007 – 2008 school year, we invited them to a buffet lunch followed by the “Paulinian Lunar New Year Talent Show” (Talent Show) on 23 Jan 2009, and as a gesture of thankfulness, Appreciation Certificates were awarded to them during the Talent Show.
On that day, parent volunteers enjoyed a relaxing lunch with Principal Sister Margaret, teachers and incumbent PTA executive committee members. We were also honoured to have invited Mrs Chan Siu Suk Fan, Senior Education Officer (External Liaison) of the Education Bureau, to present the Appreciation Certificates to the parent volunteers for their contributions and unreserved efforts in supporting the PTA. Without their generous support, we would not have been able to accomplish our mission to support the School in providing an all-round education for the students.
Meanwhile, the Paulinians presented a variety of fabulous programmes at the Talent Show, including a Cantonese opera performance accompanied by the Chinese Orchestra, verse choral speaking (both English and Chinese) by the champions of the 60th HK Speech Festivals and dancing performances by the winners of the Dance Festival. The audience was marvelled by the impressive performances that had virtually revealed the multi-talents of the Paulinians. For all these remarkable attainments of our daughters, we are most grateful to the school for providing such opportunities and an excellent environment for them to develop their strengths and potentials.